[GRI 403-1 (2018), 403-4 (2018)]

EGCO Group has established an occupational health and safety management system that reviews and identifies material issues impacting the organization’s sustainability, as well as risks and opportunities, both positive and negative factors affecting the business. This process incorporates considerations of both internal and external factors raised by stakeholders in determining the company’s operational framework. Action plans and targets are also established in alignment with the organization’s policies at both corporate and power plant levels.

EGCO Group has established the Occupational Health and Safety Committee and Working Groups comprising company management, operators, and safety officers, both at the head office and subsidiaries companies to ensure that all processes are controlled and align with corporate targets and respond to all stakeholder groups equitably and fairly. An Occupational Health and Safety Manual has also been formulated in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard ISO 45001:2018. This Manual serves as the guide for operations and occupational health and safety management system development. It is intended for adoption by subsidiary companies and external individuals or agencies operating within EGCO Group’s properties. In addition, regular meetings are organized to report on the performance of the occupational health and safety management system to the top executives and obtain recommendations for improvement.


Occupational Health and Safety Committee

To ensure compliance with EGCO Group’s Occupational Health and Safety Policies, and the determined objectives achieved, the President has announced the establishment of an Occupational Health and Safety Committee that comprises representatives from various functions.

Working Groups

Occupational Health and Safety Working Groups

To ensure the continuity and compliance of occupational health and safety practices with the plans, objectives, targets, and relevant activities set by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, the President therefore established the Occupational Health and Safety Working Groups that comprise the representatives from various units.