[GRI 2-28 (2021)]

With a commitment to being a good member of society, EGCO Group supports various organizations and sectors to foster a partnership for coordination and collaboration in supporting and driving organizations that contribute to society and the country. Such efforts are aligned with the strategies or policies of EGCO Group and the organizations being supported, thereby promoting the growth and sustainability of both EGCO Group and its partners, while benefiting the overall society. To ensure that these supports comply with the laws, are transparent, auditable, and align with the company’s commitment that ‘any form of corruption is unacceptable, whether direct or indirect’, EGCO Group has established written guidelines for donations and support, as well as regulations for membership application to external organizations.

Topics supported by EGCO Group

  • Promotion and participation in Net Zero Network

    EGCO Group’s Approach

    • Provide supports

    Total contribution in 2023:

    352,000 Baht

    Participation of EGCO Group

    EGCO Group participates in and supports various activities aiming at achieving net zero emissions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on climate change. The company also supports the greenhouse gas reduction policies and strategies by joining the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), to set the target in alignment with international criteria for greenhouse gas reduction. EGCO Group joined Thailand Environment Institutes (TEI) & Energy Conservation Center, Thailand Biodiversity Network Alliance (B-DNA), Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development (TBCSD), and Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN) to support projects that enhance quality of life, promote social, and environmental development, and contribute to sustainable growth of a climate-friendly society.

  • Promotion of technology and innovations regarding electricity generation and new energy

    EGCO Group’s Approach

    • Provide supports

    Total contribution in 2023:

    834,400 Baht

    Participation of EGCO Group

    EGCO Group participates in and supports various commercial associations aimed at promoting and developing the electricity industry. EGCO Group is a founding member of the Electricity Supply Industry Association of Thailand (TESIA), along with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), and Ratch Group PLC. The main objectives of this collaboration include promoting and sharing knowledge and experiences in technology, particularly in the electricity industry, to build relationships and solidarity among members, and overseeing the benefits and maintaining occupational stability for members involved in electricity production, distribution, or sales. In 2023, there are three representatives from EGCO Group, i.e. the president, the treasurer and the secretary of the association. Other members include Association of Private Power Producers (APPP), Thai Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) Rayong and Ratchaburi, and Global Compact Network Association of Thailand (UNGC).

    In 2023, EGCO Group attended the organization of an academic ENLIT conference in Indonesia regarding a seminar on electricity industry direction.

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Energy Sector and Sustainability Network

Network EGCO Group Engagement and Value

Electricity Supply Industry Association of Thailand (TESIA)

  • Participate in the promotion of technology in the electrical industry of Thailand
  • Exchange knowledge, experience and research technology in the engineering field
  • Building good relationships among the members
  • Engage in public interest activities

Petroleum Institute of Thailand (PTIT)

  • Support and promote the organization and people development for petroleum and petrochemical business
  • Support research promotion and conducting business in accordance with the relevant law of petroleum business

Association of Private Power Producers (APPP)

  • Support and promote energy network relationships in order to create electricity security in Thailand
  • Participate in promoting and supporting ethical practices (including social responsibility) in accordance with the objectives of the Association

Power Producer Industry Club

  • Participate in promoting and supporting cooperation in research, technology development and product quality to meet the needs of users

International Council on Large Electric System (CIGRE)

  • Knowledge and technique sharing among the members whose business is involved in the high voltage activities regarding the production, transmission and distribution of electric power

Thai Chamber of Commerce

  • Participate in promoting, supporting and complying with trade regulations as well as protecting trade interests and enhancing competitiveness to drive country growth

Federation of Thai Industries (FTI)

  • Support and promote the implementation of government policies together with other private sectors

Thailand Business Council for Sustainability Development (TBCSD)

  • Participate in promoting and supporting the implementation of projects to improve the quality of life, society and the environment
  • Support the policy and strategy for sustainable development of the organization and Thailand

Thai Listed Companies Association

  • Become a member and support the development of Thai listed companies on the Stock exchange of Thailand, including the knowledge sharing on rules and practices of the listed companies

Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)

  • Operate the business in accordance with the country’s environmental policies, strategies and directions.
  • Participate in promoting and supporting the development of knowledge, innovation and environmental standards as well as develop the potential of business operations for natural resource management and environment for sustainability

Global Compact Network Thailand (GCNT)

  • Support the implementation of sustainability strategies such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Global Compact's 10 Global Principles.
  • Improve the management of labor issues, human rights, environmental protection and systematic anti-corruption in accordance with the 10 international principles of the UN Global Compact.

Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN)

  • Support and build cooperation in enhancing the reduction of GHG emissions among governments, other private sectors and local communities to create sustainable growth in achieving net GHG emissions which are in line with the commitment of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Thailand Bio-Diversity Network (B-DNA) Alliance

  • Support and strengthen the Company’s role in the conservation of nature in Thailand, focusing on biodiversity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi B-DNA, Biodiversity Goal

Science Based Targets Initiatives (SBTi)

  • Contribution to EGCO Group’s establishment of a greenhouse gas reduction target in line with the goal of the Paris Agreement, and consistent with the scientific principles of climate change. Greenhouse gas reduction is one of the crucial aspects of the journey toward achieving net zero.

Global Sustainability Network

UN Global Compact

EGCO Group became a member of the UN Global Compact in 2022, aiming to support UNGC’s 10 principles covering human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption issues. The company submitted an annual progress report (Communication on Progress: CoP) consistent with its Sustainability Report, to the UNGC to demonstrate its commitment and performance, in alignment with the 10 principles and SDG Goals.

Letter of Commitment to support the UNGC’s 10 Principles and the SDG Goals

Sustainability Report 2021
EGCO UNGC Communication on Progress 2023
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