[GRI 2-14 (2021), 3-1 (2021), 3-2 (2021), 3-3 (2021)]

EGCO Group conducts materiality assessment annually with consideration to related internal and external operations, including potential impacts they can have on the Company, stakeholders, society, and the environment, as well as the relevant topics regarding stakeholders’ expectations. The materiality topics assessed covers the aspect of economic, social, and environment (ESG). The identified materiality issues will be determining EGCO Group’s business direction and use as a framework for the development of One Report on the topics related to sustainability development.

Process to determine Material Topics

EGCO Group is currently in the process of improving its materiality assessment accordingly to the Global Reporting Initiative 2021 (GRI Standards 2021).

EGCO Group conducts materiality review annually
* Include positive and negative impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights

List of Material Topics