Why is this Important?

EGCO Group realizes that employees are one of the key factors to achieve the goal, vision, mission, and other objectives of the organization’s sustainable development. Loss of human resources could affect operational efficiency and effectiveness due to the lack of business continuity, as well as losing knowledge particularly that related to electricity generation which is a specialized business. EGCO Group, therefore, focuses on seeking competent employees who have similar attitudes and approaches to the organization, as well as keeping these talented employees with appropriate remuneration and providing welfare responding to their requirements, planning for continuous and regular competency development, supporting internal knowledge exchange projects and arranging activities to promote a good relationship among employees, management, and directors. This is not only to build their working skills, roles and responsibilities but also to promote and support the development and advancement of employees in line with the growth of EGCO Group.

Stakeholder Impact on Materiality Topics


Management Approach

Employee Management Target

Long Term Target
  • Effectively implement the human capital management system reformation.

  • 100% of employees participating in the Succession Planning & Development Program are considered successors for management positions.

  • Achieve Employee Engagement result more than 56% within 2024.

  • Increase the number of female employees in Junior Management positions by at least 50% within 2025

  • Increase the number of female employees in Management positions by at least 30% within 2025

  • Increase the number of female employees in revenue-generating functions by at least 30% within 2025

  • Increase the number of total female employees by at least 30% within 2025

  • Share of female employees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) positions with significance contribution to business operations is 50% within 2025

2022 Target
  • Effectively implement the human capital management system reformation for 4 systems: Performance Management System, Talent Management Implementation, Compensation Structure Implementation, and Competency Model Redesign.

  • Fill 100% of vacancy management positions

  • Promote employee diversity, such as race/ethnicity and nationality.

  • Promote employee inclusion including disability, sexual orientation, age, language, and other minorities.

2022 Performance
  • Completion of various human capital management projects as targeted. However, the Talent Management Implementation will commence when employees have a better understanding and are better prepared for relevant matters.

  • Fill 100% of vacancy management positions

  • Employment policy covers talent recruitment process with transparent guidelines that comply with “respect to human rights” and “fair treatment of labor”. Diversity and inclusion is promoted in the process for recruitment and other related activities which can be considered from 2022 Sustainability Performance Data: Human Resources

Diversity and Inclusion Target

Employee Management

EGCO Group has developed and applied the Integrated Human Resources Management Policy into its organization that covers all human resources aspects.

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Employee Recruitment and Selection

EGCO Group has established clear and transparent guidelines for selecting and hiring competent employees taking into account ‘respect human rights principles’ and ‘fair labor practices’.

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Compensation and Benefits

[GRI 405-2 (2016)]

EGCO Group focuses its attention on fair and appropriate compensation and benefits to ensure financial stability of its employees both during employment and after retirement.

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Human Capital Development

[GRI 404-2 (2016)]

EGCO Group supports and encourages employees in all levels to be knowledgeable, competent, and skillful to prepare for the continuous business expansion, and cultivates corporate learning value.

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Fair Performance Appraisal

EGCO Group has evaluated employee’s performance fairly, both in terms of operational efficiency and relevant capabilities, focusing mainly on operational results.

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Employee Engagement Survey

EGCO Group has continuously exercised employee engagement survey and take the results into consideration to improve working operations, capabilities development, as well as benefits and welfares.

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Employee Quality of Life and Well-Being

[GRI 401-2 (2016), 404-2 (2016)]

EGCO Group believes that apart from employee qualifications, quality of life and well-being are crucial factors to achieve the target of work-life balance.

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Diversity and Inclusion

EGCO Group places importance on promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace and operates its business in compliance with relevant standards and requirements including Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

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Related Documents

Policies, Requirements and Performance

  • Sustainability Manual
  • EGCO Group’s Statement for Diversity and Inclusion Promotion
  • EGCO E-Learning Module 3: PDPA, Discrimination and Harassment
  • Result of Employee Engagement Survey
  • Employee Development Program 2023

Performance Data

Updated as of March 2023

The information reported above was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards). It has been audited by an external party and has received limited assurance through the 2022 Annual Report.