Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Procedure
To prevent and mitigate impact risks on stakeholders, community, and the environment while creating a mutual benefit for the coexistence of power plants and the community, EGCO Group has published corporate social responsibility policy and procedure as well as a manual for managing stakeholders.
This is to ensure the efficient implementation of social and community development projects. The objective is stakeholder engagement, identifying and prioritizing significant stakeholders affected by EGCO Group’s operations, deciding on the method of engagement, ensuring that stakeholders have sufficient capacity to engage, handling stakeholder engagement risks, and communicating the results of the stakeholder engagement.

EGCO Group conducts training and various activities on capacity building to promote engagement among internal functional units and related personnel to understand and apply the policy into action to ensure alignment across all functional units. The company has also established a policy to review and verify the information through an advisory committee consisting of the Executive Vice President, Management level, Senior management and Plant-level managing directors. The committee consistently reviews the information before its release to ensure its accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness to the context and situation. In addition, community operations results are reported to the advisory committee on a quarterly basis.