Why is this Important?

EGCO Group is committed to operating under a business code of conduct, ethics, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations to earn all stakeholders’ trust and confidence. EGCO Group places emphasis on conducting operations with responsibility, honesty, fairness, and transparency, to foster sustainable growth of the company.

Management Approach

Corporate Compliance

EGCO Group encourages its directors, executives, and employees to participate in the development of corporate missions and uphold responsibility in the implementation. All parties are required to strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as good corporate governance principles and EGCO Group’s Code of Business Ethics.

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Code of Business Ethics

To ensure that employees, subsidiaries, joint ventures, partners, and suppliers understand and follow the same direction of business ethics, as well as prevent violation and internal corruption, EGCO Group has established management approaches to be implemented within the organization.

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Organization Contributions

[GRI 2-28 (2021)]

With a commitment to being a good member of society, EGCO Group supports various organizations and sectors to foster a partnership for coordination and collaboration in supporting and driving organizations that contribute to society and the country.

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Whistleblowing & Breaches

[GRI 2-26 (2021)]

EGCO Group encourages its employees and stakeholders to participate in monitoring compliance with laws and relevant regulations, and adherence to good governance principles and Code of Business Ethics.

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Related Documents

Policies, Requirements and Performance

Performance Data

Updated as of April 2024

The information reported above was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards). It has been audited by an external party and has received limited assurance through the 2023 Annual Report.