Why is this Important?

Occupational health and safety is considered an important factor in every workplace as it ensures the well-being of personnel, both physically and mentally. EGCO Group therefore emphasizes occupational health and safety throughout its operations and production processes to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace. Occupational health and safety policies, along with emergency response guidelines have been established, implemented, and routinely monitored. A range of occupational health and safety projects such as workplace safety training, emergency response planning, and health promotion projects, have also been introduced to build a safe workplace environment and foster a safety culture within the organization.

Sustainability Material Topic: Occupational Health & Safety
Stakeholder Impact on Materiality Topics



Management Approach

Occupational Health and Safety Target

Long Term and 2023 Targets
  • Zero fatality

  • Zero lost time injury rate.

  • Encourage all power plants to follow ISO 45001 : 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Standard.

  • Encourage all power plants to operate in accordance with the EGCO Group Occupational Health and Safety Manual.

  • Control the working process and working environment in each area to comply with the laws.

  • Arrange a health promotion program twice a year.

  • Results of workplace environmental monitoring are better than legal requirements.

2023 Performance
  • Zero fatality

  • Lost time injury frequency rate was 0 persons/1,000,000 man-hours worked.

  • EGCO Group’s updated occupational health and safety policy was announced on 22 January 2021, in which the ISO 45001 : 2018 standard was applied.

  • Occupational health and safety manual was revised in consideration of ISO 45001 : 2018 standard and was announced on 1 April 2021.

  • The working process and working environment in each area were controlled to comply with the laws.

  • Health promotion program was arranged in accordance with the target.

  • Results of workplace environmental monitoring showed that the workplace was safe and met the target.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

EGCO Group is dedicated to establishing and continually enhancing its occupational health and safety management system.

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Occupational Health and Safety Committee

[GRI 403-1 (2018), 403-4 (2018)]

EGCO Group has established an occupational health and safety management system that reviews and identifies material issues impacting the organization’s sustainability.

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Risk Assessment on Occupational Health & Safety

[GRI 403-2 (2018), 403-7 (2018)]

EGCO Group is committed to enhancing its operational standard to be more stringent than legal requirements, aligning with business approaches, and complying with international standards.

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Occupational Health and Safety Culture

[GRI 403-2 (2018), 403-5 (2018)]

EGCO Group is determined to continuously cultivate knowledge, understanding, and awareness regarding occupational and personal safety as a part of its corporate culture.

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Promotion of Workers’ Health and Well-Being

[GRI 403-3 (2018), 403-6 (2018)]

EGCO Group realizes the importance of the quality of life, health, and well-being of all employees, and is dedicated to fostering and enhancing a healthy lifestyle to ensure that EGCO Group’s employees not only maintain good health but also cultivate strong relationships with each other.

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Related Documents

Policies, Requirements and Performance

Performance Data

Updated as of April 2024

The information reported above was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards). It has been audited by an external party and has received limited assurance through the 2023 Annual Report.