EGCO has conducted an employee performance appraisal through various methods, both in terms of operational efficiency and relevant capabilities, focusing mainly on operational results using the management-by-objectives, 360-degree feedback, and agile conversation, covers both individual and team-based performance, as to provide an insight of the strong points and gaps of the workforce.

The results can be used for a personal development of individual employees and a holistic approach to team management. It also contributes to skills management and to the development of human capital within the organization. Regular performance and career development reviews can also enhance employee satisfaction, which correlates with improved business performance

To fully develop the workforce, EGCO’s performance appraisal is ongoing throughout the year by implementing a combination of methods with systematic process to measure a result.

Performance Appraisal Measurement

KPI is used to measure employee performance as a mean of management by objectives. Appraisal measurement are divided into two parts.

The 1st part is individual KPIs (80%) which are mutually agreed by employee and supervisor. All employees must have the mutual agreed KPI at the beginning of the year. However, the KPIs can be adjusted during the year due to the business direction. The individual KPI will be aligned with Corporate KPI.

The 2nd part of appraisal form is Qualitative Factor (20%). At the end of the year, supervisor will appraise the employee performance and provide the performance rating after department calibration. There are five performance rating: Outstanding, Exceed Expectation, Meet Expectation, Partly Meet, Does Not Meet. The performance rating will be linked to the annual focal increase.

Performance Appraisal Method