Human Rights Overview
Why is this Important?
The electricity and utilities sector faces human rights challenges and responsibilities across many dimensions, ranging from the direct impacts of projects on local communities to issues with a large scope, such as climate change and information security. As companies in the industry will play an important role in affecting human rights, it is therefore crucial for human rights to be taken into consideration with the corporate strategy. This is to ensure that operations are beneficial for both business and society. EGCO Group focuses on respecting human rights and treating everyone equally, which is an essential part of the organizational culture and has created policies to promote knowledge and understanding of human rights, as well as principles of conduct towards employees and suppliers in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on a continuous basis.
Sustainability Material Topic: Human Rights & Due DiligenceStakeholder Impact on Materiality Topics
Management Approach

Human Rights Policy
[GRI 2-23 (2021)]
EGCO Group has prepared and disclosed human rights policy that complies with Thai and international laws and regulations regarding human rights protection.
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Human Rights Due Diligence
Human Rights Due Diligence has been in place as the guidelines for human rights practice which comprises the following main issues.
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Human Rights Dialogues with Suppliers
Procurement policy and code of conduct for suppliers of EGCO Group have been reviewed and revised on a regular basis. Human rights is one of the issues stated in the code of conduct and is communicated to suppliers to ensure an understanding of how to work together with EGCO Group.
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Human Rights Risk Assessment
EGCO Group has conducted human rights risk assessment in all operational processes along the value chain, both direct activities undertaken in EGCO Group’s own operations, and indirect activities of suppliers, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures operations.
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Grievance Management and Remediation
[GRI 2-25 (2021)]
EGCO Group has established whistleblowing channels and processes to receive complaints which include human rights complaints. Such channels are accessible to employees and all groups of stakeholders and provided with the mechanism to protect personal data of both the whistleblowers and the one being accused.
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Reinforcing Human Rights into Corporate Culture
EGCO Group encourages the enhancement of corporate culture regarding human rights through the arrangement of personnel training programs to raise awareness and understanding of human rights on a regular basis.
Explore moreRelated Documents
Policies, Requirements and Performance
Sustainability Manual
Human Rights Policy and Guideline
Human Rights Due Diligence Manual
Corporation in EGCO's Human Rights Commitments
Human Rights Due Diligence Report
EGCO Human Rights Risk Register
Whistleblowing Channels
Performance Data
Performance Data
Updated as of April 2024
The information reported above was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards). It has been audited by an external party and has received limited assurance through the 2023 Annual Report.