Diversity and Inclusion
EGCO Group places importance on promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace and operates its business in compliance with relevant standards and requirements including Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and International Labour Organization Conventions (ILO Conventions). In 2022, EGCO Group was presented with the UN Women 2022 Thailand WEPs Awards for transparency and reporting for the second consecutive year. EGCO Group has continuously focused its attention on gender equality which becomes organizational culture, providing opportunities for all employees to become leaders, as well as addressing human rights in the organization, and emphasizing its viewpoint on data disclosure and transparency to allow access to all stakeholders.

In addition, EGCO Group arranged training courses and activities to promote diversity and inclusion, prevention of discrimination, sexual harassment, and non-sexual harassment as provided below.
- EGCO E-learning: Gender quality, male and female boundary, through podcast episode of ‘men wearing high heels are normal.’
- EGCO E-learning: Workforce Diversity Generation Management
- EGCO E-learning: Innovation Leadership and Diversity Management
- EGCO E-learning: CG Cartoon Clip on how to interact with employees, and develop an internal communication article to promote appropriate employee interactions.
- CG Day 2023: Plays about complaint reception and respecting fundamental rights with fairness and non-discrimination.
- Provision of complaint reception channel for sexual harassment.
- Human rights training regarding business and human rights, discrimination, and harassment.