Enabling Programs
EGCO Group promotes enabling programs by supporting capacity-building initiatives and encouraging stakeholder engagement through the enhancement of risk and opportunities management associated with climate change.
Increase Financial Competitiveness
EGCO Group plans to increase competitive capabilities with a focus on financial cost. The company secures funding with competitive cost and establishes the policy to manage financial risk to an acceptable level in case of fluctuations in exchange rate and interest rate.
Furthermore, EGCO Group is determined to be a trustworthy organization and earn positive recognition from investors. The company also studies and prepares for the future integration of financial technology (fintech) into its operations.
Operation Improvement
EGCO Group focuses its attention on enhancing the improvement and integration of technology into the working process and promoting efficient energy consumption within the organization. Various initiatives have been undertaken to ensure effective time management of construction projects, optimizing the efficiency of power plants and assets management, and achieving the determined targets while reducing carbon emissions.
In addition, EGCO Group has prepared the organization and developed guidelines for implementing internal carbon pricing within the organization starting from 2022 onward.