EGCO Group joins the project “Vibhavadi Zero Waste (Phase 2), Reaffirming its intention to move towards a low-carbon society.

11 April 2022

EGCO Group joins the “Vibhavadi Zero Waste (Phase 2)” project, supporting the creation of a waste management model within the organization for wider application and reaffirming the intention to conduct business with care for the environment in all areas towards a low carbon society and co-creating a good ecosystem for a sustainable society.

Ms. Salil Tirawat, Executive Vice President - Corporate Management Division, EGCO Group, revealed that EGCO Group has joined the network of organizations in the project “Vibhavadi Zero Waste (Phase 2): Driven the Thai Capital Market towards Sustainability”. The project was organized by the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) together with 28 partner organizations to drive sustainable waste management within the organization. With waste management from the beginning, a reduction of negative impacts on the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead the creation of a good ecosystem for the Vibhavadi - Rangsit Road was initiated, the road where EGCO and partner organizations are located.

Participating in the Vibhavadi Zero Waste (Phase 2), therefore, not only promotes a balanced and sustainable coexistence with the community, society and the environment. This is in line with EGCO Group's important mission of being a good member of society and caring for the community and the environment but also in line with the goals and direction of the business towards a low-carbon society as well.

Business operations coupled with environmental considerations wherever they operate will help achieve the sustainability of the entire system. As such, a concept is part of the mission and corporate values, EGCO Group is therefore very pleased to be a part of the project “Vibhavadi Zero Waste” continuously from phase 1 to the present. Create positive impacts and a good ecosystem for the public. Because waste management is not just an activity. But it also leads to the creation of a sustainable society in the end,” said Ms. Salil of the organization's intention.

The Vibhavadi Road Zero Waste Project (Phase 2) will focus on analyzing and extending the results of Phase 1 in connection with the national agenda on solid waste management and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) to develop a concrete waste management model within the organization. The project objective includes promoting knowledge and understanding of waste management within the organization to the business sector as well as building a strong cooperation network.