Sustainability Projects
Waste And Hazardous Waste Management 2023
EGCO ECOSYSTEM: A Comprehensive End-to-End Waste Management Program
Waste generation in Thailand is expected to continue increasing every year, resulting in a wide array of environmental impacts, including ocean pollution and marine debris from residual waste buildup and garbage leakage into the sea.
In response to the issue, EGCO Group initiated the “EGCO Ecosystem,” a comprehensive end-to-end waste management program within the organization that has been ongoing since 2020. An embodiment of EGCO Group’s environmental philosophy, the program aims to promote waste management best practices, such as source reduction, and raise awareness among employees to educate and motivate them in practicing selective waste sorting. EGCO Group hold environmental stewardship in high regard while striving to decarbonize our business, accelerate the transition to a low-carbon society, and ultimately the creation of a sustainable world.
The EGCO Ecosystem emphasizes application of the following waste management principles:
- 3Rs: “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle,” which means minimizing the amount of waste generated (reduce), using items more than once (reuse), and converting waste to be used again (recycle)
- Promote systematic waste management through efficient and effective sorting, storage, transportation, and disposal to curtail impact on the environment
As the project has been proven to be successful from the past performance and being recognized both nationally and regionally, in 2023, EGCO group expanded the project implementation from EGCO headquarter to its 13 power plants and the Khanom Learning Center to expand the positive environmental and social impacts in all areas where EGCO’s operations are conducted. Employees will be made aware of the importance of waste separation and encourage them to systematically participate in waste separation at the workplace, thereby fostering positive behaviors that can be carried into their daily lives.
Furthermore, EGCO Group has partnered with Advance Info Service PLC. (AIS), a leading telecommunication service provider in Thailand for “Thai Without E-Waste” project, with the goal of raising awareness and understanding of proper electronic waste (E-waste) management. This project provided a proper E-waste disposal channel and ensuring it is handled in accordance with international standards in a zero-landfill approach.
Benefits of the Project
- Promoted knowledge and understanding of waste management practices in the corporate sector and community
- Established a strong collaborative network between EGCO Group and partner organizations
- Developed and materialized the organizational waste management model and strategies
- Reduced environmental impact and promote the transition to a low-carbon society
Implementation Approach
- Emphasize source reduction in managing waste
- Adhere to the 3R principles “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”
- Promote systematic waste management through efficient and effective sorting, storage, transportation, and disposal of waste
- Collaborate with external partner to encourage proper E-waste disposal.

2023 Performance
Khanom Power Plant Compost Project
In the past year, Khanom Power Plant has made significant progress in its compost project, which was launched in 2022 with the goal of converting organic waste materials from the power plant's surroundings into natural fertilizer. This project inspired by the encouragement created by EGCO Ecosystem in enhancing waste management and employee participation in waste sorting.
Throughout the year, Khanom Power Plant successfully transformed leaves, grasses, and other organic materials into over 14,800 kilograms of high-quality compost. This achievement not only represents a substantial step towards the ideal practice in waste reduction and landscaping, but also substantially reduces the need for chemical and synthetic fertilizers.
Benefits of the Project
- Reduced landfill waste
- Utilized organic waste from the power plant and surrounding areas to produce compost fertilizer
- Reduced the use of chemical fertilizers within the power plant’s vicinity
Implementation Approach
- Make compost fertilizer for the power plant’s own use from leaves and cut grass found within the plant and its vicinity

2023 Performance
GEPP Sa-Ard Waste Sorting Training
EGCO Group has committed to promoting a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility, therefore, conducted a waste sorting training session in partnership with GEPP Sa-Ard, a digital platform partner, to educate employees on efficient waste management to raise awareness and better understand the benefits of reducing waste across operations. The training was conducted both online and onsite at Klongluang Power Plant and EGCO Cogeneration Power Plant with 78 participants joining the session.
The session highlighted the benefits of sorting waste, such as reducing environmental impact and improving recycling rates. Participants learned about the current waste challenges, the importance of proper segregation, and methods for collecting data on waste types and volumes. This initiative aims to enhance waste handling and contribute to a more sustainable workplace.
Benefits of the Project
- Established a strong collaborative network between EGCO Group and partner organizations
- Promoted knowledge and understanding of waste management and data collection
- Reduced environmental impact and promote the transition to a low-carbon society
Implementation Approach
- Raise awareness on the current waste situations.
- Provide knowledge through classroom learning and workshop.

2023 Performance
Waste Recycling Project in Quezon (QPL) and San Buenaventura (SBPL) Power Plants
Quezon Power Plant (QPL) and San Buenaventura Power Plant (SBPL) has has continued with their initiatives on waste management, which is a a cradle-to-grave approach to avoid disposing waste at landfills, including waste reduction/minimization, segregation, recycling and return to supplier thus avoiding landfill space for disposal which has an equivalent CO2 avoidance
Waste management efforts at QPL and SBPL include the following:
- Recycling or reusing materials and items, such as recyclable solid wastes, tetra packs, used conveyor belts, scrap metals.
- Donating used wooden materials, such as scrap wood pallets, used woods/cut tree branches to be used as fuelwood or in charcoal production.
- Donating food waste to be used as animal feed and organic waste to make compost fertilizer
- Recycling and recovering hazardous waste, such as waste from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), used dry cell batteries, used lead acid batteries, used oil, used vegetable oil, oil contaminated sludge, grease trap waste, empty printer cartridges, and empty chemical containers.
- Returning chemical containers, drums and carboys back to supplier for refilling to minimize generation of chemical container hazardous waste.
Benefits of the Project
- Reduced landfill disposal of both hazardous waste and garbage
- Reduced landfill greenhouse gas emissions that would have resulted.
Implementation Approach
- Deliver waste to recycling facilities suitable for the respective type of waste.

2023 Performance
Fly Ash Recycling Project in Quezon (QPL) and San Buenaventura (SBPL) Power Plants
Quezon Power Plant (QPL) and San Buenaventura Power Plant (SBPL) implemented the Fly Ash recycling project since 2022, where combustion residual and ash particulates occurring within the power plants are sent to Pozzolanic Philippines Inc. (PPI) for recycling as raw material for cement manufacturing or construction filling materials.
In 2023, total of 18,973.2 metric tons equivalent to 618 truckloads of dry fly ash, was recycled, resulting in 55,781.22 metric tons CO2 emission avoidance.
Benefits of the Project
- Reduced the amount of fly ash produced and landfill greenhouse gas emissions that would have resulted.
Implementation Approach
- Recycle fly ash into raw materials to be used in the production of cement or other construction materials

2023 Performance